These blemishes of the skin can pose a problem for some people with socialization. Don’t let a mole hold you back. Dr. Serrano can easily remove these in office with very little down time.
Skin Tags
Mainly seen as growths with narrow stalks that stick out often on the neck, upper chest, underarms and eyelids. Dr. Serrano can easily remove these in office with very little down time.
Earlobe Reconstruction
Caused by many years of wearing heavy ear rings, a traumatic pulling of an ear ring by a small child. Often done intentionally such as “Gauging”, but no longer wanted. Dr. Serrano can easily repair these in office with very little down time.
Ear Keloids
Overgrowth of skin common after ear piercings caused by too much scar tissue. Dr. Serrano can easily repair these in office with very little down time.
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