Step 1: Vartithena

Vartithena is an FDA approved non-surgical injectable foam treatment for varicose veins. Varithena improves both physical symptoms related to varicose veins, and their appearance.

This procedure is an FDA-approved alternative to the traditional and invasive painful vein stripping surgery. During the VNUS Closure™ Therapy, a thin catheter is guided using ultrasound into the insufficient or diseased vein through a tiny opening. The catheter then delivers radiofrequency (RF) energy directly to the wall of the damaged vein. As the catheter is then slowly withdrawn as the damaged vein is heated and seals shut. Each treatment lasts from approximately 2-4 minutes! Unlike the old method of vein stripping, this in-office treatment is quick and virtually pain-free. Most patients return to normal activity within a few days. Patients on blood thinning prescriptions need not stop their medication. You do not need to “fast” for this venous procedure. Be pain free today, call to set up a consultation.

Step 2: Radiofrequency Ablation

Radiofrequency Ablation is a minimally invasive procedure that used generated heated energy to seal off enlarged painful veins in the legs. The treatment causes the veins to shrink and be absorbed by the body.

There are many benefits to Ultrasound-Guided Sclerotherapy and EVCA:

  • Local anesthesia only
  • In-office procedure
  • Down time is essentially zero
  • Extremely effective and targeted therapy
  • No scarring

Step 3: Phlebectomy

This procedure utilizes micro punctures through the skin to grasp “grape” like varicosities that continue to bulge after VNUS therapy has been utilized.

Benefits of phlebectomy include:

  • Complete resolution of unsitely varicose veins
  • Local or regional anesthesia only
  • Office procedure with quick recovery time, often 2-3 days.
  • Minimal scarring

Step 4: Sclerotherapy

This procedure is most often used to treat visible spider/reticular veins and small varicose veins near the surface of the skin. A painless sclerosant is injected into the veins, causing them to shrink, close off and eventually disappear. Although two to five treatments are often needed, the results are long-lasting.

Advantages of sclerotherapy include:

  • Zero downtime
  • Effective long term results
  • No scarring
  • Pleasing cosmetic results